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RSP Teacher
Andrea Powers

Growing up I thought of choosing a career as a daunting task. Once I entered the field of special education, I found that it was a passion of mine that I would always want for my occupation. My job as an educator has been long and diverse. I received my BA degree and MA degree from San Jose State University. I have worked as a speech and language specialist, special day class teacher, as an English language teacher for children and adults, and as an RSP teacher in a full inclusion model and a traditional model. Working as an RSP teacher, I have high standards for my students, and I believe that they will all succeed academically. One of my two boys was an RSP student, who is now a successful college educated adult, just like my RSP students will be. It is important for me to stay connected with the teachers and the parents of the students that I work with, and to be part of their team. In my spare time, I love jogging around town, gardening, and visiting with family and friends.

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